This part of the documentation covers the CLI interface and is auto-generated by sphinx-click extension.


The CLI interface differs depending on the available opt-in extensions:

  • Sphinx

  • Toml

The documentation shown here uses all opt-in features.


More information about the single configuration options can be found in the Configuration section


CLI of rstcheck.

Enabled features: [‘Sphinx’]

Pass one ore more rst FILES to check. Can be files or directories if –recursive is passed too. Pass “-” if you want to read from stdin.

rstcheck [OPTIONS] FILES...


--config <config>

Config file to load. Can be a INI file or directory. If a directory is passed it will be searched for .rstcheck.cfg | setup.cfg. If ‘NONE’ is passed no config file is loaded at all.


Log a WARNING for unknown settings in config files. Can be hidden via –log-level.

-r, --recursive

Recursively search passed directories for RST files to check.

--report-level <LEVEL>

The report level of the linting issues found. Valid levels are: INFO | WARNING | ERROR | SEVERE | NONE. Defaults to INFO. Can be set in config file.

--log-level <LEVEL>

The log level of the application for information that is not a linting issue. Valid levels are: DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL. Defaults to WARNING.



--ignore-directives <ignore_directives>

Comma-separated-list of directives to add to the ignore list. Can be set in config file.

--ignore-roles <ignore_roles>

Comma-separated-list of roles to add to the ignore list. Can be set in config file.

--ignore-substitutions <ignore_substitutions>

Comma-separated-list of substitutions to add to the ignore list. Can be set in config file.

--ignore-languages <ignore_languages>

Comma-separated-list of languages for code-blocks to add to the ignore list. The code in ignored code-blocks will not be checked for errors. Can be set in config file.

--ignore-messages <REGEX>

A regular expression to match linting issue messages against to ignore. Can be set in config file.


Install completion for the current shell.


Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.



Required argument(s)